Wednesday, February 08, 2012

Get Outta Here...

Do you know Kylie Bisutti?  She's been a Victoria's Secret runway model and I must admit she can conjure up some thoughts strutting around in her lingerie.  I'm a Kylie fan but probably not for the reason you would first think.  I didn't say she "is" a VS model, I said she's "been" a VS model - past tense.  She gave up the gig she had dreamed of because she's been reading the Bible and was convicted she needs to save her body for her husband (I imagine there are Christian single men sending her their information right now) that she hopes to have one day.  

Restoration.  Renewal.  Kylie is finding it through her study of God's word.  It's amazing what the Spirit will do within us when we get into God's word.  We can read Lucado and Yancey and Chan, we can listen to Andy Stanley, John Piper or Joel Osteen (I'm throwing that one in for a good buddy of mine) but none of those can do what actually reading the Bible and letting the Spirit work on heart and mind can do to us.  

I'm a Kylie Bisutti fan and hope she will maintain her desire to serve God and openly share her faith.  It's something I can learn from.

Grace and peace.

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