Thursday, July 07, 2011

Travel Day

Travel day is always a day of anticipation for me.  It's a day where I'm excited to get where I'm going, excited to think about what might occur or what I'm planning to do.  It's a day of adventure in knowing that I'm going somewhere with some idea of what it's going to be like when I get there but not fully knowing all the variables that might affect the trip along the way. 

My walk with God is like that.  Everyday is a travel day - one where I know where I'm headed when I leave the house but don't know what all will come along during the day, what opportunities God will present to me, what temptations will try to pull me down, wondering if it is a day where I will help someone or someone will help me get closer to God. 

I know I'm headed to South Fork, Colorado today and I have plans but I don't know what will come along during the journey.  I will pray my daily prayer for God to open my eyes to see what he sees, to open my hears to hear what he hears, to open my mouth to speak his words and to open my heart to be like his heart. 

Mid-70 degree weather won't hurt anything either!

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

Keep rubbing it in! Actually, it's mid-70s here, too, as long as I don't go outside.