Wednesday, July 27, 2011


After 4 edits of today's original post, I give up and will borrow a link from Josh Graves.

This is a preacher who loves him some NASCAR.

Love me some NASCAR

I'm not going to go into how Jesus taught us to pray and make any comparisons (as if) or contrasts. 

Here's a link to my good friend's blog if you want to read more on prayer and how Jesus' idea may be a little different than Pastor Nelms 

Thoughts on Prayer

I'm not condemning Pastor Nelms or suggesting Rick knows all there is to know about prayer.  I mean, can you really hate a guy who prays for his smoking hot wife?  Just trying to be fair and balanced today.

Grace and peace to you.


Rick Ross said...

Wow! The people loved it.

It makes me upset to my stomach.

amyg said...

I trust those who have "lost their words"... who just sit before God in awe and silence...