Monday, September 07, 2009

Laboring on Labor Day

Retail never sleeps. It's very slow at times though and I'm thinking today will be one of those days. I'm in to get some stuff prepared for meetings tomorrow and then I am headed to Jerry World to watch some high school football and take in the monstrosity in Arlington.

It's striking how many people have developed their intimate, passionate love of God through hard times. I know a lot of people who say they love God and put him first but most of the people I know who truly long to be a disciple of God have had to hit a very low spot in their life. In my own experience, it's because I wanted to be in control and call on God to lend a hand. It's really goes deeper than that though. It really goes to where my heart was and what was driving me.

I am praying today that I open my heart to God's workings, that I am broken of my desires and filled with his desires for me and that my thoughts, my actions and my words will come from him through his spirit that is in me.

Grace and peace to you.

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