I remember this day 8 years ago. I remember someone coming in saying a plane had flown into one of the towers and thinking how bizarre that was. I remember turning on the TV and watching as another plane flew into the other tower. I remember sitting in a meeting and hearing bits and pieces of information and watching TV that night catching up on all that had happened.
September 11, 2001 was a tragic day. It was a day that will be in our minds forever. It was a day where people lost their loved ones and friends. It was and continues to be a day that pushed this country and others to go into battle.
Not to take anything away from 9/11 but I cannot help but think how incensed people become talking about that day and wondering why more people are not incensed about an innocent man being hung on a cross and the answer slaps me across the face. On 9/11, something was done to us. On the day of Jesus death, something was done for us. One leaves us ready to act, to fight, because someone hates us while the other leaves us able to do nothing because God loves us. One death brought us suffering while the other death was caused by us.
I want to do a better job remembering the debt that was paid for me. I want to honor God through what I do today. I cannot change what happened yesterday or the other days that are gone but I can honor God today.
I pray for the people who lost someone on 9/11, for their wounds and for their hearts and I pray for myself, for my heart and for what I will open it to today.
Grace and peace to you.
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