Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Independence Day

Today is a day celebrated in this country in memory of many things but especially our independence as a country. We revel in it and are thankful for it and often try to carry the mantle of independence as our own. I think though that we get often get freedom confused with independence. We are a free people but we remain a dependent people. As Americans, we are dependent on our military and cooperation with other nations to remain free. We are dependent on jobs and the economy to do the things we want to do. We are dependent on many things to celebrate the freedoms we have.

As a Christian, I am dependent on the blood of Christ to be free. I can be free from the grip of Satan only because of God's love for me and Christ's sacrifice for me. I am free because my sins can be forgiving by my Father whom I depend on. I'm free to be a servant because of Christ, otherwise I would surely be a slave to sin. I'm free to love and be loved because of Christ or Satan would surely make me a slave to self.

Today I'm thankful for my freedom. I thank God that I live in a country that gives me so much freedom but today, I want to remember how thankful I am to God for the freedom He has given me.

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