Monday, June 06, 2011

Dream Sharing

It's scary sharing your dreams.  What if people laugh at you?  What if people talk about you behind your back?  What if people think you are crazy?  What if you are crazy?  Or...

What if they want to share in the dream, crazy or not?
Wednesday, I taught my last lesson out of Crazy Love at our workplace Bible study and my good friend Bart shared his dream of helping these guys we've met over in Denton.  As he shared, the interest level in what he discussed was evident and when he was done, everyone was offering to help in some way.

Sometimes our dreams seem wacky to the ways of the world but perfectly legitimate to people who want to be disciples of Christ.  Sometimes we are crazy for dreaming our dreams based on what the world/flesh tells us we should want or want to do but they seem so normal to God.

Normal to God.  Now that's a subject that I need to explore sometime.

Anyway, one of the favorite lines I ever heard Matt Chandler say in one of his sermon's was "how long do we have to study the playbook before we start running the plays?"  I know Bart's dream today is going to be reality longer a dream to think about but an action that is happening, that is revealing God to guys who are waiting to be loved, that is meeting physical, emotional and spiritual needs and hopefully, setting up some guys to find success in managing their physical life and success is growing in their spiritual walk.

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

I have been inspired by Bart and others who are "doing" the gospel.