Monday, January 10, 2011

Monday Mumblings

I think I'm going low-key this week..
A shout-out to my buddy Jason.  Go Auburn!
A lady was arrested in Wise County for soliciting of murder.  She was wanting a couple of people killed so she could collect insurance, I believe.  When arrested, she was wearing a Mickey Mouse sweatshirt. 
I wish I would have never opened a Facebook account. 
Ignorance really can be bliss.
I think it's ridiculous that the college football championship is being played on January 10th.  It means the NCAA is a) money hungry and b) liars.  Yes, that's harsh but it seems evident they are doing it so more people can watch more bowl games so they can get more commercial revenue.  The NCAA says one reason for no playoffs is that they don't want to keep kids out of school.  The Oregon team has been out of school all of last week.  I think Auburn was a day behind them.  Same for the last few straggling bowls. 
I love March Madness.  LOVE it.

That is all my thoughts that are fit to print.  Stay warm.

Grace and peace to you.

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