Monday, February 22, 2010

Why God? Why?

As I write this, I'm battling tears and chills and a hurting heart and a stomach full of knots...and questions.  I understand dear friends of mine are telling their 31 year old daughter goodbye right now, a husband is saying goodbye to his wife, a child is saying goodbye to her mother, brothers are saying goodbye to their sister.  It hurts.  It doesn't make sense.  Why, oh why would God let this happen? 

I have complete faith in God.  I believe he is sovereign in all things - good and bad.  I believe he sees more than I see, thinks differently than I think, understands in ways I cannot understand and is perfect in his will while I am far from perfect in anything I do.  I believe it all but still ask, why God? 

One day God may let us in on how and why these things occur the way they do.  Whether he does or not, I cannot let go of a faith that he reigns.  Jenny is headed to a place I want to be, to a place of perfection and beauty and a home with the Father, with our creator and savior, with the Lord.  I'm thankful this is what awaits her even as I hurt for her family and don't want it to come to this just now.

Oh God, please rain your love and comfort on Jenny's family in waves that covers them over and over.

Grace and peace to us all.

Edit: Just as I finished writing this, I learned that Jenny Ross Bizaillion passed away at 3:38 in the afternoon. 

1 comment:

S P Hughes said...

That question pops up in my mind a lot. I have no answer but I know things work out. I look back on things in my life that have happened and now years later I see where I am now and know that the things I thought would never work out have just become part of my life's story.