Thursday, June 12, 2008

Crazy Stuff

Last night's lesson was what it would look like if we truly let our love for God show. What kind of (seemingly) crazy stuff would we do? What have you done in the past for/with people you love? Stay up all night talking? Do things with them or for them you don't normally do? Change your habits, your appearance, your talk?

What would the world look like if we put God first and our desires and dreams and problems a distant second?

When the question was asked last night, "what would doing something crazy because you love God look like in the eyes of the world?", the first thing that came to mind was the young girl at Columbine High School, who when confronted with a gun to her head and asked if she loved God replied yes knowing the answer would get her killed.

If I were willing to give my life for God, what would I do while alive to live in His will? What would I do for my family? What would I do for Christian brothers and sisters? What would I do for complete strangers?

I pray that I will live crazy in the world's eyes - that I will overcome, that I will change directions, that I will go where I'm not comfortable - that I will do anything I can to live a life that is worthy of the love God has shown me.

1 comment:

Melissa Taylor said...

You know what, my heart want to "DO" a lot, but it doesn't always come out! I am so full of good intentions, so now I just need to work on putting those good intentions into practice. I really appreciate the lessons that you, Mark, and Jacob are teaching the youth. It is making a big difference.