Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs passed away earlier today.  He's one of those people I wish I knew.  He saw things differently than most people.  He was willing to follow his heart and take risks.  He changed lives in many ways, lives of people he never knew and his innovations will likely touch generations.  I was a Mac-hater for many years because I didn't understand them.  Once I got a taste, I became a Mac devotee and it's all I want to use these days.  

I hope when I'm gone someone can say similar things about me except that it will be in the context of people's souls instead of things of this world.  I respect Jobs' for what he did for the computing world and it seemed something he poured passion into at all times.  I hope I can do the same in this world but even more so in things that are not of this world.  I hope God will use me to change lives, to affect generations and to make people's lives, both here and in eternity, better.

I have no idea of what Jobs' relationship with God was but I hope he is strolling heaven and enjoying what life "on the cloud" is really like.

Grace and peace to you.

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