Thursday, October 27, 2011

The Force of Will

I was at the Rangers game Monday night with my son and loving every minute of it.  That is, loving being with him, not the whole Rangers game.  The early innings had me running through various emotions with varying levels of intensity and I'm ususally a laid-back fan.  I walked around the concourse for two and a half innings watching it on the TV's periodically.  That may have had as much to do with the 60+ year old man and his twenty-something stripper-looking girlfriend in front of us as anything but I'll still attribute it to the bad pitching and errors.  All that to say, I think the Rangers won by force of will with some Cardinals managing and performance mistakes thrown in along the way. 

That brings me to this, a David Platt tweet on Tuesday.  The most popular question: How do I know God’s will? A more pressing question: Will I obey God’s will?  What a great comment.  I have known the big picture will of God most of my life and simply failed to obey it.  Not so much failed and chose, really.  I am one of those people who want to know the will of long as it works within my parameters of what I want to do.  "God, let me help someone today."  "Uhh, God, is there anyone who looks and dresses more like me I can help?  I don't know how to talk to those people and they are dirty and stink."  "God, do something powerful in my life today."  "Uhhh, God, I didn't mean anything that could make my life/income/retirement/free time/beliefs more difficult." 

Will I obey God's will?  Regardless of the cost?

Grace and peace to you.

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