Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Just Another Birthday Party

I told one of my loyal readers the other day that I'm a great advocate for serving others but not so great at practicing what I preach.  I'm on a journey to know God and His desire for me and to live it out in my life better each day.

Another loyal reader presses me sometimes on my comments about service.  Growing up in the faith tradition we have, there have been times where service was seen as the end goal, not a by-product of a heart for God; seen as a way to build "credit" in the body, not as a selfless act that brings us closer to being one with Christ and each other. 

Yesterday, I ran across this video.  I'm still processing what all he is saying, still processing the idea of putting myself in the same place he was, still processing what it might all look like to live for others.  I hope you enjoy the story though and I hope it challenges you.

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Kristen said...

That was awesome. How many more people would go to church or turn to God if they felt safe and accepted? Today's post really compliments a book I am reading right now. Thanks for sharing.