Tuesday, April 13, 2010

An Awesome God

A blog I read on Monday left me reeling with troubling thoughts, thoughts that scare me and leave me wondering what is going on in this evil, crazy, mixed up world.  As I thought about what I read, tears in my eyes, this song came on the radio. 

Our God is an awesome God and I like what Mullins has to say about Christianity.  If you want something to hold on to that makes sense, our God isn't the answer but if you want something to hold on to that brings LIFE, my God is the answer.

"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD.  Isaiah 55:8


Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

I love Rich Mullins. He lived an incredible life, and I have been encouraged by his faith.