Thursday, April 22, 2010

Strategic Planning

If you want to hear God laugh, tell him your plan.

I've heard that quote more than once but read it in a book Wednesday and wondered how many times I heard it while I was still telling God my plans for Him.  Why, oh why did I ever waste so much time trying to tell God the right thing to do?  The bigger question is why do I still do it even today when I've seen His power at work and I've seen the train wrecks my bright ideas led me to. 

I've heard God laugh too many times.  I want to put my plans in the trash can and follow His.  I just have to swallow my pride and realize the Creator knows better than the created, the Savior knows better than the saved.

I work in a pretty bizarre place.  I haven't had another job where the accounting department shuts down in the middle of the afternoon and leaves en masse because one of the staff members wanted to be baptized and didn't want to put it off.  It's a way cool moment and I am extremely blessed to work in an environment where I can participate in a Bible study each week and I can lead my staff in prayer.  God does some upside down stuff and I am fortunate to be allowed to participate in it at times.  My God is mighty to save.

Grace and peace to you.


Unknown said...

I, myself, chuckled at the thought of that quote because I have too often lived out the folly of my plans as well. How ridiculous it is to tell the all knowing what I'm going to do when I don't even know for sure if I get the next breath or the next blink.

Should we not plan? I don't think that's what God expects of us, nor is it realistic while on this earth living in flesh and bone. But all of our intentions should be tempered with the understanding that my God who knows and understands ALL things is working His plans...not mine.

Our plans are just that--our plans. Our plans should be very, very fluid-- very, very flexible. And if our plans are not under the umbrella of His plans, we better check our planner.:)

I wouldn't use the word bizarre to describe your workplace. Unique, perhaps. Counter-cultural, definitely. But not bizarre. Maybe, though, it's just my understanding of the word "bizarre" in that I think of carnival freakish.

It's wonderful how God is working there.

Rick Ross said...

It was a beautiful moment yesterday as the accounting staff gathered to witness a new birth. And her excitement was exhilarating!

Jeff said...

Kyle, I now try to start every plan with, "God, show me how..." instead of "God, you need to..." I see nothing wrong in planning as long as I am calling on the Lord and listening for his direction in what I do.

I like all your words. I thought of bizarre as in culturally bizarre.