Monday, April 26, 2010

Monday Mumblings

Dallas Cowboys...don't care too much.  Dallas Mavericks...don't care too much.   Dallas Stars...don't care too much.  Texas Rangers...starting to wish I didn't care so much.  Man, the Rangers are wearing me out and I'm thinking as soon as the ownership transfer takes place Ron Washington's days are numbered.

I got a little sunburned from some weekend baseball in Wichita Falls.  I wish the games would have worked out better but it's always fun watching the kids play and it was even better because everyone on the team spent the night and the kids got to hang out and have some fun together.

I spent Saturday night talking with a dad-friend on the team about the concept of "the church has left the building."  This guy has a great story and has a passion for sharing Jesus with people.  I see God's hand at work in our paths crossing. 

Steve McCauley on Channel 8 talks more about "the cap" than any weatherman I've ever heard.

If you know me, you know I like my music hard and loud.  Here's one of my favorites from Creed.

Most of their lyrics are based on their faith but for the life of me, I can't figure out the video.  Still love the song though.

Grace and peace to you.

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