Monday, April 05, 2010

Opening Day

I love Opening Day.  It's a day of new beginnings, of hope, of excitement for what the future holds.  Today I'm headed to The Ballpark to share in the excitement of a new baseball season and hope for what could be a great year.  I look forward to this day every year with all the pageantry - Roger Staubach throwing out the first pitch after the ball arrives with a parachutist from the Army, the national anthem, the fly-over.  All fun.

Yesterday I celebrated another kind of Opening Day.  This Opening Day was the day that hope was created for me, it was the day my Lord conquered evil once and for all and my Savior rose from death to life, it was the day the tomb was opened so life eternal could burst free.  It was a day created after horrors I cannot imagine and a day that brought beauty I am excited to see.  It was a day that freed me from the bondage of sin and pain and suffering - not that I won't face those things but the blood of Christ provides cleansing and His exit of the tomb provides peace.  There is no Opening Day that compares to the day Christ arose and walked out of death and into the life God has planned for me.  It was and remains a spectacular day.

The link above is for a Rob Bell video on the resurrection.  When you have a few minutes, watch and listen to one of the best preachers/wordsmiths of our day. 

Grace and peace to you.

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