Monday, July 21, 2008

49 Weeks

That's how many more weeks I have until I return to Colorado for vacation.

It's hot in Decatur. I never really enjoy starting my truck, looking at the temperature gauge and seeing anything starting with a 9, much less numbers in triple digits which is what I saw yesterday.

My baby girl is in Ft. Worth this week visiting Fortress. Fortress is located in a rougher area of Ft. Worth and is a mission field started by several churches in the North Texas area. It serves underprivileged children and our kids are down there this week working with these kids and showing them that there are people who care about them. Some of these kids don't know their parents, some of them have parents who are in prison or have been killed in violent crimes and some just live in poor conditions. I know it will be a great experience for my daughter and the kids that went from Decatur and I pray that it will be a time of planting seeds about God that will one day bear great fruit.

Yesterday, we heard from a missionary working in Ecuador. His family runs an orphanage and a school in a very poor area of the country and are doing some incredible things. What most struck me was his heart for what he is doing and the fact that he gives God the glory for everything that is working. It was an uplifting time. Justin Snyder is the missionary and they have a web site you can see at Justin is in the states raising money for a new building to house their growing school and we were fortunate to have money to help with their cause.

I'll be on the road for the next couple of days visiting one of our stores so I'm not sure I'll get anything posted but you never know.

Have a great week.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

I was in Mesquite when Jeff Medders started Fortress. He grew up in Mesquite, so I have always had a special interest in that work. I am so proud of our young people for what they are doing this week.

Today in Juneau, it will be about 60 degrees. Vancouver might make 70. I'll be there in a week, Lord willing.