Sit down and stop cheering. It's not the end of my blogging.
The end of school is near. The kids are excited and the parents are wondering what they are going to do with them all summer. Planning for camps, vacation, Six Flags, the water park and a million other things makes the long hot days of summer seem pretty short.
The end of ballet is near. Recital is quickly approaching and the end of the year is near. With the extra practices and stress of being ready, it may also be the end of ballet for my daughter. It is something she has done for 7 years and done well. I want her to make the decision of what she wants to do but I, for one, will miss seeing her perform. Yet, I'm thankful for what it has taught her. As I watch her gliding through the house, I know it has been beneficial in ways that will endure.
The end of baseball is near. We are on the go many nights a week and weekends with baseball and it does get to be a grind at times yet I enjoy it so much. Last night, we had 22 minutes left and were losing but it seemed as if only a few minutes had passed since we started. I enjoy the evening and night games and I enjoy watching my son perform - even more so when he has a good game like he did last night.
The end of Boston Legal. It's a quirky show that seems to be one that people really like or don't care for at all. Not much in between. I'm one who enjoys the show and it's one of the two I want to watch each week. The other is West Wing that ended last Sunday for good. I still haven't seen the final episode but have enjoyed the frenetic pace that was exemplified in the show. I think I would enjoy working in the White House with the exception of the hours that seem to be called for.
The end of the end. While all of these things are ending, they will either start anew soon or something new will take their place. It's one thing I truly love about each day. Whatever went wrong yesterday, today can be fresh and new and totally different. I hope your new day is a beautiful day for you.
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