Monday, August 15, 2011

Read It While You Can

There's been some debate recently about hell being a literal or figurative place and some mud-slinging to go along with it.  I've stated my position of ignorance in the past (March 22, 2011 Blog) and still want to be more in tune with what God would have me do today and live it out than argue with someone about hell.  At any rate, with any book about anything controversial more books will come out with the other argument and I guess my good buddy (I don't really know the guy but he makes me think) Frances Chan has responded to Rob Bell's book and below is a link for an excerpt.  I appreciate Chan for bringing out things that I overlook at times.  For instance, I can get rolling with the argument that hell is for bad people who do bad things and Chan points out that the Bible says people who talk harshly about others are those very folks doing bad things.  Now, I know for a fact that there is some gossiping going on at lots of church buildings because a) I've heard it and b) I'm pretty sure I've joined in before and a good bit of that gossip fits under the category of speaking harshly about others.  Something to think about...

Here's the link to Chan's excerpt.  I'm not sure if I can legally borrow it or not but I'll give it a whirl and hope it simply makes you think. 

Chan on hell

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

S P Hughes said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and that link. We have been talking in our group about how we shouldn't put the punishment side of God's Word on the back burner so much. I don't know what hell is going to be like but I can say the same about heaven. I know that Jesus talks about both so I need to be aware that there are two sides of the Judgement day coin.