Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Helen Waite

I always get a kick out of the sign I see in some businesses that say something like "our credit manager, Helen Waite, handles all requests for credit.  If you want credit, please go straight to Helen Waite."

I've spent some time reading more and more of the fallout surrounding Rob Bell's new book, "Love Wins" and the question of what Bell thinks about hell.  I've found a blog from a pastor who lost his job because he no longer believes in a literal hell full of fire and eternal torment.  I've found a blog written by someone who thinks he's on the fringe of religion and think the discussion of hell is a complete non-issue.  I've found a blog that defends Bell and I've found a blog that shares how people have labeled Bell a universalist and heretic.

Sadly, I don't know enough about the titles people are given (I'm still trying to ascertain exactly what liberal and progressive means in the churches of Christ) so I can't speak to what Bell is or isn't and, I would guess, that applies to the people who have taken to name-calling.  However, it has made me stop for at least a brief moment and think about what I believe about the concept of hell and has made me realize it's another one of the many things I need to go deeper in studying.  It has also reinforced the idea of God's love and the importance of living in the knowledge of that, more important than anything I can be doing right now. 

It has also opened the door on thinking how I feel about the wars we are engaging in and the justification our country has made for getting involved.  If love conquers all, why are we dropping bombs.  If heaven is the place we really want to go, why are we killing people we fear?  In Ephesians, we are given the tools we need for battle and I can't remember where we get the bullets, grenades and bombs in the deal.  Does it mean I'm a pacifist?  It very well could.  I'm already past agreeing with the death penalty in any form or fashion.  Does it make me weak?  Maybe in some eyes but it is where I'll have to live on faith.

I look forward to reading Bell's book and to dig deeper into heaven, hell, who God is and who he wants me to be. 

Grace and peace to you.


Unknown said...

I really don't like thinking about the subject of hell. But Jesus had a lot to say about hell. I haven't ever counted the references my self, but I read a book by a Christian author a while ago that said that in the Bible Jesus mentions hell more times than he mentions heaven.

As for Helen Waite, I don't plan on meeting her.:)

amyg said...

I know hell is "real" because I have been there! In my experience hell is not a literal/actual place, but it is a state of mind. I have put myself there many times by my greed, anger, delusion, envy,and strife. Many Christians, including C.S. Lewis, William Barclay, George Washington,and ME are universalists (believe in universal salvation). It is not uncommon. Check out