Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Blah Blah Blah

Blogging has been hard for several weeks now and it's been difficult to write congruent thoughts without creating a book.  While writing has been an outlet for me, it is also a barometer of the stress and strain of what is going on in my life.  More so, it is a barometer of where I stand in my relationship with God because when I am trusting Him completely there is a peace around me that is certainly supernatural, but, when I am in the old mode of wanting what I want and struggling with emotions that are neither healthy nor productive, there is no peace and I am a tangled mass of confusing thoughts and feelings.  This isn't a good recipe for writing.

Moving on, last night I watched a study video from the Frances Chan book , Crazy Love and was again reminded of what this world might look like if we tried to live more like Jesus and less like Americanized Christians.  I will read this book again and hope that it is used to teach a class at our church one day.  All the while, I know there are many people who would fight against what it teaches because of the author's convictions.  One of his comments in the study video is something along the line of "have you ever looked around your church and wondered who might not get into heaven because they are lukewarm?"  That's a pretty strong thought but one I support because I feel I was one of those lukewarm Christians - ready to do whatever I needed to do in the church but doing little, if anything, outside the church where the lost are wandering around.  I assume the people in the church at Laodicea were all baptized believers and God was ready to spit them out of His mouth.  Woe be it to me if I find myself in that situation ever again.

I look to the day I climb out of this valley and hope and pray that I will be hot, that my words and my actions will be geared to glorifying God and shining a light on the path that is traveled by the lost so that they may also find their way home to the Father who is waiting to run and greet them, arms stretched open ready to wrap them up in His good and perfect love.

Grace and peace to you.


Rick Ross said...

I recently finished "Crazy Love" and was SO convicted by it.

By the way, we are going to use it for our Wednesday night men's class beginning in September.

I also agree with the other comment today on your blog.

~ Lindy ~ said...

Awesome post! Haven't read this book, but I will check out amazon.com :) You may want to check "Radical", by David Platt....VERY inspiring teaching. I will be following your blog! God's best to you.... Lindy

nannykim said...

Yes, it was a convicting book. It caused my husband and myself to make some real changes. His section on Lukewarmness really hit me---also on loving as Christ loves. What a challenge.