Monday, August 23, 2010


I'm off to a late start this morning so a brief thought about something I saw last night. 

Lou Pinella has retired from baseball early to spend time with his ailing mother.  I suppose the Cubs not going anywhere in the postseason makes it easier to retire now but what struck me last night was this big, loud, demonstrative man when mad was weeping while speaking about it being the last time he would wear a uniform.  Weeping.  His passion for what he does and has spent a lifetime involved with was obvious.

I remember Paul Faulkner reading the account of Jesus' death in my freshman Bible class and weeping.

I heard someone recount visiting a cave in the Holy Lands and their guide telling them it may very well be the cave where Jesus was praying before his captivity while sweating drops of blood and the man weeping while trying to recount the story.


Passion for Christ is something that has been building in my life for a while now.  I admit that reading the account of Christ's death or the account of his heavy prayer didn't hit me hard enough to bring me to tears at one time and today there are some songs we sing in worship that I almost can't get through, readings in the Bible that leave wet pages in my Bible and time spent thinking about my God that cannot end without tears.  Tears of grief for what had to be given for me, tears of joy for who I am as a son of God, tears of thanksgiving for the reward that awaits me because God is a loving God. 

I hope my passion for Christ will continue to grow by leaps and bounds, day after day.

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

Amen! I want to be radical, because Jesus was.