Wednesday, August 04, 2010

More Brain Tired Ramblings

I think I'm finally sleeping better but still not enough.

I'm tired of the Palin's being in the news.  Not a fan of mom or daughter getting much attention.

Cuban might buy the Rangers?  Tell me it isn't so.  I think he loves owning the team but he hasn't brought a championship to Dallas yet.  Let the baseball guys buy the baseball team.  Please.

I'm tired of LeBron and I hope Miami wins 1 game this year.  I enjoyed watching him play but doubt I will see any more of him than what is forced on me through ESPN highlights.  I like Jordan and Magic's thoughts.  Both said "I wanted to beat Bird/Jordan/Magic, not play with them."  That's a competitor spirit.

Electronics not working used to never bother me.  Now I just want to throw them out and get something else.  I've lost patience for these devices not working when they are all supposed to be better. 

I'm still thankful for good friends. 

I love the Psalms.  They are filled with heartfelt visits with God, many of the same heartfelt talks I have had with Him. 

Grace and peace to you.

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