Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The End Of One Soapbox, The Start Of A New One

War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
Bertrand Russell

Why is surrender such a bad word?  Isn't it what Christ did in the garden?  Isn't it what he did on the cross when he said, "Father, forgive them for they know not what they do"?  

I have to ask how often I am willing to surrender; my money, my time, my heart, pride of self, pride of citizenship, God. 

I was talking with a good friend today about our desire to "react" when something happens to us.  Someone says something mean, we react.  Someone does something that hurts us, we react.  In his case, a parent provides alcohol to his and other minor children and my friend wants to go rip the guy's head off.  I understand that.  Had I been in the garden and they were coming to get me, I might have joined up with Peter and gone to swinging a sword around.  "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they are doing."

"Father, forgive Jeff because he so often doesn't know what he is doing."

When I surrender my will, I am more powerful.  When I surrender my money, I am richer.  When I surrender my time, I'm at peace.  When I surrender my life to God, I live more fully. 

Grace and peace to you.

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