Friday, July 23, 2010

Petitions and Weekends

Several people have started a new petition for Decatur to be able to sell more alcohol.  I'm not even sure what it's for but I think it's to allow liquor stores into the city.  What a wonderful addition.  I remember when the first election came up, it was all about being able to bring a big-name grocery store to town and extra tax dollars to fix our roads.  How did that work out?  We still have Wal-Mart and IGA and some very bumpy roads.  My former yard did see an increase in the number of empty beer cans/bottles but that may have more to do with a changing demographic than alcohol sales themselves.  Anyway, I just wish the people pushing these things would be honest and say it is simply for convenience, nothing more, nothing less.  Do not misunderstand me, I'm not condemning the use of alcohol in a safe and responsible way, only the reasoning that is often employed to justify the decision. 

The weekend is almost here and it is one I dread because of tasks that are before me.  It will be a hard weekend and if you are in a praying mood, please pray for me to keep my head up and moving forward seeing what God has in front of me and for thanksgiving for the people who are helping me. 

I stood in line for 2 hours last night with a friend waiting for his new iPhone.  People will stand in line a long time for these things but don't want to spend more than an hour in church where they can find something much more valuable and useful for all eternity instead of something good until the next version comes out.  What's wrong with us humans?  The good part was that I was with a friend I love and respect and I didn't mind waiting it out and having a good time and good discussion over dinner. 

God is love.  I hope people will see God living in me this weekend and in the days to come.

Grace and peace to you.

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