Tuesday, February 08, 2011


Why do some wounds take so long to heal?  I have a cut on my arm that is taking forever (it seems) to heal.  A big scab covered the wound for awhile and then it came off and a smaller one formed followed by one even smaller.  Each time, I see it getting better but the cut is still there.

Life isn't much different.  Sometimes the cut is covered but the scab comes off, the wound is revealed but a smaller scab forms and so on.  While the healing gets better and shorter, the wound is still there. 

Healing isn't easy and isn't pain free.  I wish I had something more positive to say today.  I just don't.

Grace and peace to you.


Unknown said...

But it's amazing that wounds do heal. And I'm not just talking about physical wounds. Even though a scar remains-- it does heal.

Inanimate things don't heal. Machines don't heal. Buildings don't heal. Cars don't heal. Computers don't heal. The list could go on.

But living things do heal.

But people do heal.

God deserves the credit for that. He made us that way.

Take it from a guy that gets to watch the wonders of physical healing on a regular basis, it's nothing short of wondrous the way that people heal.

The same is true of spiritual and emotional healing. It's wondrous. Why? Because it happens.

bartsirmandvm said...

Sometimes, as with our human bodies, we pick at the scab because it bothers us. It itches, it looks ugly. I agree with Kyle. I have the opportunity to observe the magnificent power of healing in animals. Often, the most challenging thing I face is getting their human owners to leave the scab alone. Some people are just pickers. Sometimes we pick other's scabs off, often intentionally Some wounds are deep. We think they are healed only to be reminded by something, seemingly insignificant, that the wound is still there. God heals. I pray to never be a picker. I hope to be a soother. God bless you brother