Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Mark McGwire finally came clean...sort of.  He qualified most of his statements with the idea that the steroids didn't help him hit the home runs, only heal faster so he could play more.  I don't completely disagree because I'm not a scientist but I do have a sense of how hard it is to hit a baseball and know there are plenty of guys who took steroids that never came close to McGwire or Bonds.  I would go so far to say that they are both great hitters but wouldn't say the steroids didn't help a bit.  On the other hand, there are plenty of guys who took steroids who never hit home runs like those guys.  In the end, steroids violates the spirit of even competition and I say they are wrong for taking them and playing and it should be reflected in the HOF process.

How about Lane Kiffin leaving Tennessee for USC after one year?  I don't begrudge someone for taking a better job but I hope those are the same guys who stand on the commitment bandwagon with their players.

I did email a friend today who is a huge Tennessee fan and detests the Big 12 and suggested the Vols hire Mike Leach.  I can't wait for his response.

I watched NCIS last night.  It seems to be a big hit on TV but a show I haven't paid much attention to.  Part of my interest is that my daughter and some of her friends are big fans.  The other is that Mark Harmon, the star of the show, was on the phone with our Store Manager the other day working on exchanging a hat someone had bought him at our store.  Pretty cool. 

As a blogger, I often wonder what I can post and what I shouldn't post.  I read a quote the other day I'm contemplating putting up because it cracked me up and I was laughing about it for a couple of days but it also hit home and in a sense is very true.  The thing is, it takes a shot at Christians and I know some people can be pretty sensitive about stuff so I'm just mulling it over...and preparing you it might be coming so you won't try to poke me in the eye if you don't like it.

So far no one has poked me in the eye for anything I've said here so it's been a good run.

What I love about the Bible is that I continue to find gems in it.  I run across things I've read that never really struck me until something in my life caused me to pay a little more attention to what it says.  I've run across things I might have read and completely zoned out on and I've read things I'm not sure I ever really read but just saw letters on a page.  What I have found is that the closer I feel like I get to God, the more his words speak to me.  That shouldn't be a surprise but it's taken me a long time to figure it out.

I thank God that I'm getting there, step-by-step, day-by-day.

Grace and peace to you.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

it seems to me that the major culprits in this steroid controversy are guys who would have probably made it into the Hall based on their pre-steroid careers. I'm talking Bonds, Mcgwire, Palmiero and Clemens. So I would not have a problem with them getting in.

If the Hall was based on the integrity of the individual, Cobb, Ruth and Mantle might have to be removed.

While I'm on my soapbox, it's time to put Pete Rose in. How can the most prolific hitter in history be kept out?