Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Does God Read Blogs?

At 44 years of age, I realize I just can't stay out as late as I used to. I had the joy of experiencing the Rangers 2 1/2 rain delay last night. We hung on until the 6th inning but had to call it a night which put me to bed way late. I'll be paying for it today but it was great seeing a Rangers win against the Yankees.

I hope my title isn't taking badly but it's a question I have asked myself several times. Each day, a random verse pops up on my blog and every now and then, when I'm really hitting a low spot of some sort, the verse speaks volumes to me. I have jokingly said God must be reading my blog and giving me the exact scripture I need that day. I like to think there might be a little truth to that but the real story is that the Bible is full of hope and compassion and love and reading a little bit of scripture every day reinforces the real importance of being in God's word all the time. I have read more this year than I have in a long time, maybe ever, and I feel the benefits of the time I spend in how I feel on the inside. It doesn't take away my problems but it gives me so much peace in living through them and helps me remember to trust God - trust that He will carry my load.

God may not read blogs but I am reminded over and over how important it is for me to read God's words. My words might bring a laugh or a tear but His words bring life.

1 comment:

Rick Ross said...

It is amazing how much God's Word speaks to us when we are looking to be transformed rather than informed. I am doing a 40-day intense study right now that is REALLY challenging me. It is GREAT!

Glad the Rangers won.