Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Howard Stern

No, I'm not a fan and don't listen to his show but over the weekend a dad from my son's baseball team told me about a segment Stern did where he sent a "reporter" to Harlem to ask people whether they would vote for Obama or McCain. The trick was, they attributed Republican ideas to Obama. For instance, they asked people if they were voting for Obama because he was pro-life or because he would keep the military in Iraq (different people were OK with both) or they asked if they like Sarah Palin as Obama's running mate (they did). I'm not quite sure if these people were voting for Obama because of race or media frenzy but either way it's a bad reason to vote someone to the office of President.

I wonder if people who talk in sign language ever say something in a way that comes across as rude. I'm guilty of saying things in a way I wish I wouldn't and hear other people do it at times. I never feel good about it afterwards and wish I would have kept my mouth shut and I bet some of you may have felt that way. I would probably be better off if God had made me mute but I know that wasn't His will for me. Instead, I need to watch what I say so that I show Christ in my words and actions. I just wish I was better at it. I remember the song Angry Words that we used to sing in church and wish I did a better job of living it. Angry words, oh let them never, from the tongue unbridled slip. I pray today that the words from my mouth will come from the love God has shown me instead of my selfish emotions.

1 comment:

Melissa Taylor said...

Talking about the Howard Stern thing makes me think of "Jay Walking" on the Jay Leno Show when they show people our politicians and they have no idea who they are. It scares me that people like that vote because they really have no clue. What an interesting election year!

Angry words - they come out of my mouth before my brain catches up. This happened last night with Haleigh and even though I can apologize, it doesn't take the angry words away. Oh, how I wish it could. I just need to keep praying that God will help me control my mouth because it is what gets me in more trouble than anything else. Can you imagine that! Thank you for your words today.