Our church team takes the court again tonight. Here's hoping the 2nd week goes as well as the 1st. Our ladies team has a bye tonight so they get to rest their bruises and bumps one more week.
TO is all the rage again. While the preacher at the church has gone from...hmmm, shall I say not enjoying TO to now being a fan, Terry Bradshaw is slamming TO saying the new look will be short lived. I can't help but wonder what will happen the 2nd game TO doesn't have a touchdown. On the other hand, I hope the Cowboys don't have to find out.
I did hear one funny comment from Terrell last night. Bradshaw made the comment on Sunday that he "wasn't buying it" referring to TO's new attitude. Last night on the news, they played a sound bite of TO telling Bradshaw "it wasn't for sale" and flashing that grin he has. Good stuff.
I'm internally incensed at the number of retailers who are now opening on Thanksgiving Day to sale their stuff. I realize they only open because people will show up and that is saddening too. It's Thanksgiving Day and people still can't stop themselves from shopping and getting the "deals." It's maddening, at least in my own mind.
Now you have to show up for doorbusters at 5 in the morning. It's crazy. Personally, I think it's a sad indictment on what is important to our culture. Admittedly, I'm caught up in it wanting to know what my wife and kids want so I can hopefully find great gifts for them and I've already started my list to give people who are asking me what I want. All the while, I wonder why I'm so materialistic. I like stuff, especially electronic stuff, but I hope one day I can kick the stuff habit.
1 comment:
When it comes to T. O., I'm just trying to practice WWJD. I keep finding myself saying, 'Father forgive him, for he knows not what he his doing."
Really, it's not that noble.
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