Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Blogging Blank

I played catch-up with "24" last night having missed the last two episodes. I wonder if anything like this really happens in the course of a day, a week or a month. This poor guy hasn't had any sleep, he's battling terrorists with nuclear weapons and one bad thing follows every good thing. It's a miserable 24 hours, that's for sure. Realizing the show is fiction, I still wonder what goes on sometimes. We know there have been and likely are people living in our country who want or plan to do something very damaging to us. Who is watching them? What are the stakes?

On a happier note, what was thought to be lice in our county courthouse now only be mites. It's great when your town makes the news because the courthouse is shut down due to lice (or "crabs" as known by some). I don't know much about mites but it sounds better than crabs.

It's Wednesday. I feel like I've been blessed over the past few months getting to spend some time with the youth group at church on Wednesday nights. There are some really, really neat kids that are part of our church group and they bring a number of friends with them each week. I've enjoyed getting to know them and miss not being there when I'm traveling.

It's also Casa Torres night with our friends. Good food, good friends...a good night.


Rick Ross said...

We love our time at Casa Torres with you guys. And about 24: Jack has to be worn out! I mean, when he arrived in episode 1 this year from China -- he looked like death warmed over. But remember -- there is only one Jack Bauer.

Bev Ross said...

I was just thinking about being with ya'll tonight at Casa Torres - I LOVE Wed. nights!!!!!